On Friday, I sat down in a law school conference room with two of my students. They’d set up a pretty impressive array of microphones and mixers and a laptop, and pushed aside the Redweld folders that, for some reason, took up half of the table. These students started Dialogue, De Novo, a podcast that centers around the Loyola University Chicago School of Law community.
We started talking around 2:00 pm. And we talked. For about an hour and a half. Both students had read my book, and came in with stacks of questions and comments and marked-up books. And we talked (on digital tape) about religion and taxes (and other things, including my career path and being a tax attorney and music that I’m excited about). The discussion wasn’t Mormon-centric, but Mormonism came up, along with Judaism and Catholicism and Islam and Scientology. And Shakers and Quakers and the Universal Life Church (although the last wasn’t mentioned by name).
If you’re interested on the intersection of lived religion and legal frameworks, or you just want to be able to hear my voice as you read my posts, and you haven’t read my book yet (or even if you have!), it might be worth giving this a listen. You can find Ep. 24 here (or, it appears, listen on your favorite podcast app).